Site Policies
This web service is operated in accordance with policies established by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
The current DoD policy document is DoD Web Site Administration Policies & Procedures, dated 25 Nov 1998, with amendments current through 11 January 2002. DoD offers the following additional resources regarding web policies:
- The web policies section of the DefenseLink "about" page contains links to other web policy documents.
- Individual service policies: Navy, Air Force
- A news article, New Policy Reshapes DoD Web Presence, was published by DoD on 11 Dec 1998.
- Internet Presents Web of Security Issues is a special DoD web page with additional information about web-related policies.
- To implement these DoD policies, several local policies have been developed by the United States European Command:
Staff Memorandum 15-1: HQ USEUCOM Public Access World Wide Web Information Service (April 2005). Provides specific guidance for this site.
Staff Memorandum 100-3: Authorized Use of Government Computer Networks (5 May 1997). Provides guidelines governing personal use of computer networks at Headquarters, United States European Command.
CDRUSEUCOM 120850Z FEB 98: Operation of Publicly Accessible Web Sites. Reminds commanders of their responsibility for proper oversight of web services.
COM USECUOM 161340Z JUN 98: Operation of Publicly Accessible Web Sites. Directs commanders to consider operational security and force protection.
CDRUSEUCOM 051000Z NOV 98: Information Vulnerability and the World Wide Web.
JTF-IM: Multi-service Procedures for Joint Task Force Information Management.